Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Giving the Brain a Kick


They can't nod because there are no motor skills.

This is computer stimulation of the motor cortex. A hand that was once paralyzed now moves. In this case, a computer chip is actually implanted in the motor cortex of the brain. The chip can then process the signal and give movement.
 My brain doesn't need a microchip insert. It processes. It's just slow. It's very slow.

I can put both my arms up 15 years later.

15 years seems like a long time to move. Yes, it's being done, but it needs to speed up, way up. At this rate, I will die before accomplishing all movement goals. My brain needs a kick in the pants.

I see tDCS (Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation) as speeding things up. http://thoughtfulveg.blogspot.com/2018/02/stimulating-my-brain.html

" I'll teach myself to swallow. It will just take me longer."

I made that statement after posting a video I made. The US government deems me vegetative, not conscious, because I don't swallow. At first, I believed my diagnosis was due to my inability to talk. I had been in a deep, eyes closed coma for 5 weeks following a stroke in 2002. I was made vegetative, an extension of the coma, when I first opened my eyes. I did not respond. The not responding could be seen as pseudo-coma.

I taught myself to type. It only took me 7 years to get movement and control over a finger to get printed. Stroke Connection p.9 You can see from the photo that it only took me 15 years to be able to use both arms. I'll teach myself how to swallow. It may be years, though.


What does it mean if I am diagnosed "semi-vegetative"?

1. I am misdiagnosed.
2. I have to be conscious to be writing. "Vegetative" is not conscious.
3. Other "vegetative" patients may be conscious.
4. I am unconscious due to disability. Disability discrimination is not allowed.
5. Recovery can take years.

This whole mess could have been avoided if I had originally been diagnosed with  Locked-In Syndrome (LIS). Some of these patients regain speech, and they were always conscious. LIS with no eye movement and Persistent Vegetative State (PVS) may look the same.

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