Sunday, August 30, 2020

Bleeding Blood

UPDATED 9-10-.2020

I was bleeding blood.

I bled so much that I required a transfusion. It was a closed wound injury, so blood was never seen.  I just know it ran down my neck.  I must have passed it.  I was in a coma and did not see.

"Blood ran down your neck,"  I heard. This is unusual. In a brain bleed, pressure builds, the brain is smashed down (it blocks the neck), and with enough blood, the person dies. There is no escape of blood. It drowns surrounding tissue.

There's a bad brain bleed; stroke. The  person is almost dead. There's a blood vessel defect. Some time passes and there is another bleed. The person passes away this time.

I'm the first sentence. I then broke the cycle. I found a place that would repair damage and remove the defect. Stanford did it and no one else. There wasn't another bleed. I wouldn't die from that.

I was in a coma. As far as I know, the time that I had my eyes closed and it appeared that I slept for over a month, I was in a coma.

I disagree with the diagnosis/ possible diagnoses that were given to me after I opened my eyes.

I have said that I am functioning between the people in the videos in this article. Click it. It talks about me. 


I am functioning between the following two people who had Locked-In Syndrome. First is Martin Pistorius aka 'ghost boy.' He had a neurological disorder of unknown  origin. 

People had no clue that he was in there.

At the other end of my spectrum is Kate Allatt. She speaks now.

Kate Allatt is a mother-of-three from SheffieldSouth Yorkshire, who has successfully recovered from locked-in syndrome. She now runs Fighting Strokes and devotes her life to assisting those who have locked-in syndrome.

The lady found me. I'm honored. I don't speak as well, but aim to.

Do you remember that bleed? It was "in the cerebellum next to the pons." I remembered hearing that in rehab. A pontine infarction is associated with Locked-In Syndrome. I bet this is when that rehab referred to Stanford. This was rare. Even more rare is now. I'm not Locked-In anymore.

From browser:
pontine cerebrovascular accident (also known as a pontine CVA or pontine stroke) is a type of ischemic stroke that affects the pons region of the brain stem. A pontine stroke can be particularly devastating and may lead to paralysis and the rare condition known as Locked-in Syndrome (LiS).Feb 6, 2019


It feels like a hundred years. Actually, it will only be 18 years in December since I had the stroke. It has now been 16 years since I had the surgery that saved my life. It did a little 
more than save my life. I now write this. 

I'd call the surgery process biological engineering. It was at the blood vessel level. Genetic engineering gets even smaller. It's at the DNA level.


"... it will be a slow  process, because one will have to wait about 18 years to see... changes" - Stephen Hawking

This part of the quote struck me. That's close to the time.  I thought. I didn't have genetic editing.

The AVM was a vascular disorder (blood vessel). It wasn't genetic. It was in the brain, though. It would take the same time.

My DNA was not outright changed, but it  looks like that happened. How can I tell? My hair changed. I haven't  used any chemicals on my hair. It became curly on its own.

I recently became aware that the act of dying itself can be a DNA changer.

My thoughts have been turned toward life.

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