Monday, June 29, 2020

Years To Move

I use my left finger to press a computer key. One letter is produced. I put letters together to make words, and many words make many sentences. Soon enough I have an entire thought down.

Some may be skeptical, but it wasn't always this way. I couldn't type 15 yrs ago. Back then, I primarily used the lap top for watching videos.


I didn't all of a sudden one day start doing this. Look at the picture. I'm able to sit up, look at the computer screen, attend to a video, and push play and other controls. These are foundation skills of what you see today. This was 15 years ago and hardly overnight.

My right arm isn't fisted anymore like in that picture. 

There are 12 years between that picture and video. For 12 years I had been working on unfisting my hand. I wrote this long ago,

An Occupational Therapist suggested to me that I hold on to a piece of foam tubing with my weak arm and move it with my good arm. I could cut a pool noodle from a discount store. The video is when I started doing this.


I now purposely move my right arm, but it is not accurate.

I speak, also.

My stroke was in 2002. It has been years. I couldn't move or speak  back then.

1 comment:

  1. The bravest lady i have ever read: where so many would have retired, she courageously stepped forward. Amazing, unique, exemplary, and admirable.
