Saturday, April 11, 2020

I Am Not Paralyzed Anymore

To say that I am quadriplegic is just flat out wrong. I need to be re-evaluated for RESIDUAL QUADRIPARESIS, because Hell if I am still Quadriplegic. I move everything now. I'm just not strong enough to bear weight.

An occupational therapist helped me find the term.

If I am quadriplegic, then how am I typing this? Yes, I am motor impaired, but I am not paralyzed. I use one finger to type.


The picture above is an exercise I did in rehab 17 years ago.

I continued with using that particular movement for the last 17 years because it is easier for diaper changing. I was showing a CNA what I learned in Physical Therapy. She had me push up for diaper changing and the skill has remained.


Few know this, but when I opened my eyes, I was in SCI, Spinal Cord Injury. I did not break my spinal cord, but injury was so severe that my initial presentation appeared to be quadriplegic.

Movement is a miracle. I do move everything now. Movement is just weak. I can't support my body to stand.

I still maintain that my body released adult stem cells. My development looks like the videos I have seen of quadriplegics who successfully receive stem cell therapy.

The man in the video had stem cell therapy.


Why is it taking so long?

It's mostly a paperwork issue, I think. The computer system could have been set up not to record a new diagnosis, but I have yet to receive a new diagnosis. I'm not sure what the problem is.

With the old diagnosis. A person usually dies. I should be dead by now.

This might be why it's so long. I'm dead... on paper. If a ghost was writing, that would be a different problem. 

I don't know what the hang-up is. I've recently enlisted help from my local state government to deal with this federal issue. That would be my successful application for Brain Injury Medicaid Waiver. We'll see what happens.

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