Saturday, August 4, 2018

What Makes My Injury Different

I was on a ventilator a few hrs before surgery. I stopped breathing much earlier than surgery. My heart stopped during surgery. Records only say resuscitated, but not how long it was stopped. I figure it was beyond the limit considered to be okay because hospital staff from the1st hospital took a 2hr drive to the rehab hospital 8 mos or so later. For all I know, it may have been hrs without oxygen. I had weaned from a vent by the time that they visited which they found impossible.
It has taken me yrs to be able to write n not be in a hospital.
- Angela 8/6/2018

Smarts come first with me.
I am a big head.

Someone suggested a thesis topic, jokingly. I didn't do a thesis. I did Comprehensive Exams at the end of my MA program. I also didn't pay for the program. It was paid for through a grant. Every month school was in session, I went to the finance office to pick up a check for me. I had to attend classes. Comprehensive Exams are just as hard as doing a thesis, if not harder, because it tests your knowledge over the course of the entire program. You might have to remember material from a few years ago.

That's what makes my injury different. I still remember things for years. I was doing this knowledge thing way before I had a stroke. 

I played piano when little. The largest recital was probably about 300 people. I was 4 or 5. Music was a big deal. I taught myself, guitar as a teen. This musical gift happens to be a big descriptor of one condition. I had the stroke and now I write prose. I just started thinking about writing music. I haven't attempted to even try. I still have other topics. Writing is also creative and falls in the realm of this condition.

This next video shows only one type of brain injury causing a condition of creativity. Incidentally, I too had a stroke.


You need to know about an extremely rare neurological disorder. It is so rare that it is not even a diagnosing disorder. People who have it have been side-show freaks and oddities of society. Only recently (last 100 years or so) has the disorder been studied. More specifically, it has been studied during my lifetime.

(Note that this can be caused by brain injury as well as a person can be born with it.) It's easier to see the condition. Please watch the video.

I show signs of this disorder BEFORE and AFTER a brain injury. That's unusual. In the past, it has been one or the other, not both. It makes sense when you consider my vast knowledge and memory that I have this.
Savant Syndrome will have to become a diagnosing disorder soon. This writing is not a figment of your imagination. It is, though, as long as I am still in a coma. How can a person write if she is not conscious?

This person was born with the condition.

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