Thursday, August 2, 2018

Less Scary

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The Vatican viewed my blog today. I give! Give me a halo and harp and wait for me to sprout wings!

I've tried to be the level headed voice of reason. I can't reason with indoctrinated faith.

I want to make it less scary for people. I'm not an angel or a saint. I'm just a person relating my experience. If someone else goes through it, they will know what to do and maybe even improve upon it.

I have filled the job of the "missing thing."

In Early Intervention, parents would come home from the hospital with this itty-bitty thing that may have been born a few  months earlier. It may have been a grandparent, foster parent, adoptive family, etc that brought the child home. Maybe there was prenatal drug exposure. Sometimes it was the '80's "crack baby" coming home (This was a big fallacy. A lot of these babies ended up okay with some early intervention.)

They all experienced the magic of medicine. Medicine really isn't magic is it? I made it less mystical.


This is life. You deal with it.

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