Saturday, March 28, 2020


My In-Home Support Services social worker had to get papers signed. She had on the full protective clothing garb-- gloves and a face mask. I'm glad that she did this. The people around me can see just how serious my condition really is. 

I don't require the people I know to wear a face mask unless they are visibly sick and I have masks available. I have gloves for when I have procedures. I have to have nutrition daily. That's a procedure. This requires gloves. I try to keep gloves available.

The masks and gloves are for MY protection, not yours. People with immune deficiency can die from something  as simple as a cold. So to everybody who ran out and got them in this crisis, thank you. Keep your germs to yourself. (I've been dripped on. Ewe that's gross!)

The  government isn't responsible for me being alive. I would have died by now with that policy. A small university that does research did the procedure to keep me alive. I was just research on the technique of removal of vascular anomalies in the brain. They weren't concerned with my early development. They knew nothing about when I was a kid!

I bet that university was surprised when I started tagging them in posts on social media. It had been years since a surgery. It has been 15 years.

Romeo is 14/15 and Juliet is 13.(This is from my browser.)  For me,15 years after surgery isn't a far fetched notion to contact people, if my brain was growing. Kids can get into relationships and I could talk on the internet. It appeared to me that my brain had grown.

That's a big one. Some theory, especially the government, prescribes to the notion that there can be no brain growth after an injury.


Use those masks and gloves. (If you have them.)

Those two things will protect others. I'd think you would get some protection. According to professionals, though, you have to add goggles or protective eye-wear. Nothing can be open on the sides. There must be a tight seal. (Guys, you can't have beards.)

You need to be HAZMAT ready.

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