Friday, June 28, 2019

Retire On This!

Disability is not income. I don't have income tax. When has a vegetative person paid income tax? I don't see people in comas working. That's what makes this weird. I was in a total coma, opened my eyes, my body still appeared to be in coma, and then I start talking. To top it off, I am knowledgeable. People in comas don't write. (Talking is years later.)

Social Security is a real retirement program. The healthcare part is called Medicare. If you become disabled before retirement age, you can collect it if approved.  

You paid for it. It wasn't free. Remember those deductions on your paycheck? There may be a small "Disability," but there is a large "FICA." FICA is your retirement.  How much of what was taken out of your check is determining what most readers are getting each month (those who receive such).

I had a stroke at age 32. I worked though. All those paychecks.... I paid into Social Security. The amount taken out of every check could make a young person bleed. I knew that I had Social Security. The money was there.

SSI stands for Supplemental Security Income. It was meant for people like housewives and children who never worked that are disabled. I don't know who all gets it now. Social Security doesn't determine this. SSI is a separate program run by the government. They control it and the Social Security Office just doles it out.

SSI is a separate program from Social Security. The discontent I am seeing (Medicare vs Medicaid) is misdirected. Medicaid goes with SSI. It is a piss-poor medical program. I know first-hand because I have Medicaid as a back-up insurance to my Medicare. I learned really quick that they weren't there. I had to scrape by and get a Medicare supplement insurance.

Who is in charge of SSI? I looked at the homepage. They are calling it Social Security now, but "Supplemental Security Income (SSI) is a Federal income supplement program funded by general tax revenues (not Social Security taxes)  "   There is still separateness but not who's in charge. Social Security is implied.

I bet CMS has something to do with it. CMS is the Centers of Medicare and Medicaid Services. Just the title is putting these programs together. I am familiar with this office because they say I am in a coma because I don't swallow. Good luck!

I doubt a piss-poor medical insurance was intended for the elderly, blind, and disabled. 

Perhaps there should be an SSI Medicaid supplement. I'll get to funding, but this needs to come first. Funding is a new topic.

Your disability may have forced you into early retirement. I wasn't ready.

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