Sunday, January 28, 2018

Trapped In This Body

 I would be recovering from Locked-In Syndrome if that diagnosis had been given. I was thought to be severely cognitively impaired. I was given a computer and taught how to type. People were shocked!  

Take away this guy's computer n what is he? Vegetative.
See how the govt made my decision?

-Angela   4/17/2018

I wonder what kind of legal problems he's had? He left the country where he was. (He was in South Africa, but moved to the UK.) I haven't left...yet.
He is recovering from Locked-In Syndrome. He was thought to be severely cognitively impaired. He was given a computer and taught how to type. People were shocked! Maybe if he had received better treatment, he wouldn't have all those terrible things to say.

I'm still proving to everyone that I am conscious now. Oh the legalities! First of all, is this really me typing this out? Yes, it is. Second, I don't need the lawyer. I want to be conscious. Is it so hard to cross out the word "vegetative" on my file and write conscious? If you need something, write quadriplegia with limited movement.

My functioning is pretty much the same as this man, but I vocalize now. My speech is not the greatest, but I am understood. I remember when I moved out of the hospital and I would lose my voice every other day. I had to take a breath after every word. My vocal cords were weak. Not anymore, thank goodness. Now I can hold a conversation without stopping after every word.

I still have to type longer things like this, but I can make conversation. Only once in a while my daughter has to correct me.

People are taking too long to make me "conscious." Umm... Stanford wanted to do it long ago... back when I had that surgery. It was said back then that it wasn't possible. The surgery I had was ignored. Now it's years later. You better find out what happened.

["Their quantification of white matter reorganization shows long-distance rewiring in posterior medial cortices, possibly reflecting axonal sprouting or neurite outgrowth." I think that I had the same sprouting back in 2004 when I had that surgery. It's years later and those sprouts are all grown up. You can then get into "Oh dear! How was she before?" You will be pleasantly surprised.]

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