Sunday, October 8, 2017

I'm Not in a Coma

"(Just because savant syndrome never occurred so low before, doesn't mean it can't now. Medicine has advanced.)"

...or maybe it was already there. The acquired brought out my congenital. I've said congenital is what kept me alive when I should have died. Think about it...why was my body still alive after being shuffled all day to three different places before "emergency" surgery took place? Also, why did I wake up? Now it's, why am I so smart?
Start answering questions. Don't shuffle me around. Why am I still in a coma?

I think it's pretty stupid to say that I am in a coma. I don't even remotely look like that anymore. Yes, I once was, and yes, you could get away with saying that for a few years. This just shows you how slow the healing process is. No one has kept track of the small neuronal changes that were pointed out years ago. ["Their quantification of white matter reorganization shows long-distance rewiring in posterior medial cortices, possibly reflecting axonal sprouting or neurite outgrowth, maybe even related to neurogenesis (known to occur primarily in associative cortices in normal primates)."

I have this written elsewhere and it is much simpler,
"The nerve fibers from the cells were severed, but the cells themselves remained intact." Nerve cells that have not died can form new connections."]

First, I stopped breathing at a clinic. I was intubated and put on a respirator. More than five hours and two hospitals later, emergency brain surgery was done. I should have been dead already.

Closed-eye coma followed. That can be expected. Five weeks later, I open my eyes. Actually, my left eye. I don't respond. I'm given vegetative. That is expected.

What wasn't expected is five months later I was responding to the doctor with blinking. There's no form. The doctor hand-writes a letter. I'm left vegetative, but the payee is removed... so I can pay my own bills on time. I get shuffled to a few more places and actually argue with a nurse that I am conscious.

Hand-written letter as there is no form.

Somehow in this, I retain the wits to have an independent university correct the condition that was supposed to kill me. I also can speak a few words now. None of that is tracked.

A couple years later I go home. I have no clue that the government never took me out of a coma because there was no form. My medical services were extremely limited. A very helpful reporter stepped in and we figured that I never woke from a coma on government paperwork. Basically, that letter was no good back then.

I've contacted The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, CMS, and I'm Still a Vegetable That Handles Money and I let everyone know I still remain in a coma. A few years pass. The local paper does a story, newspaper article scanned into story. I'm still in a coma. Last December (2016) my food was cut off. I guess the government thought I didn't need to eat. I was tested at the hospital and it was seen that I can't swallow. I eventually get food reinstated.

No matter what I do, I am not found to be conscious. Now, it's because I can't swallow.

This was just coming home, "I thought...for a brain injured person to get out of the hospital and live on his or her own, they will need a photographic memory and have excellent math skills. They will have to be a genius!" To be made conscious when already not, I have yet to see that. It may not be possible. This means everyone with a brain injury can't get better. That would take a re-diagnosis, and most people aren't diagnosed again.

Who knows what I am now in, but it is not a coma.

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