Friday, November 24, 2017


From what I can figure, there was a mixture of factors going on in my medical case. To lump it all together and say I'm in a coma won't work. Obviously; could I write this and have deductive thinking if I was in a coma? I'll elaborate on a post, "This is a biological issue that I think savant syndrome helped cause. A stroke isn't enough to wipe out cell info. Something had to be present to reprogram. It doesn't stop there. The NDE turns on the learning window- the "undead" genes." I then link to a story on undead genes.

First of all, I just didn't have a stroke all alone. If the entire ordeal was just a single brain injury, I would have died soon after I stopped breathing. I never would have been taken down the mountains. I never would have been flown to a trauma center.

Second, Savant Syndrome has to be present PRIOR to any head injury. I'm writing this that's proof that it is there. I say Savant Syndrome had to already be present. I believe the syndrome actually kept my body alive for hours until it was brought to a trauma center. It's responsible for me waking up and waking up fast. 5 weeks doesn't sound fast, but 5 weeks to open my eyes compared to never is very fast. Signs of Savant Syndrome can be traced back to my childhood. I was found to be extremely intelligent at this time, but still within Advanced Placement.

Now I had a brain injury. My memory is completely wiped out (at the time of incident and not now). Determining an NDE occurred would have to be made by a professional used to having non-verbal and limited speaking clients. Now I could speak some by the time I met Dr Morse, but I didn't remember any NDE. I have little memory of the day I had the stroke before I lost consciousness. I only remember the sound of an alarm while my eyes were closed (the ventilator). I only remember "seeing" the pastor of my church immediately after initial surgery. (Technically, this would not have been possible for me.)

I believe the NDE can turn on what have been called "undead genes." The NDE and Savant Syndrome combination then re-build the information in the cell. All this information, including age-related damage, is taken by the stroke. The stroke actually kills the entire brain cell, not my entire brain. That combo of NDE and Savant Syndrome not only saved my life, but rebuilt it.

Living a longer life would be a side-effect of the 
repair of my injury.

The NDE makes an environment conducive for learning by turning on the "undead genes." It opens the learning window. This is where a new, blank cell would be made. Savant Syndrome is then able to go to work and rebuild the information in the new cell with the old cell DNA. This reprogramming is like we saw in the movie Jurassic Park, but man provides a new cell and the DNA is millions of years old in the movie.

I am a soup of neurons and genes. Not just one factor can determine the entire injury I had. The recipe saved my life. If you only have the "S", you can't label it. "SO" I open my eyes. You look a little silly calling it "S". Now other factors turn "UP". You really look silly calling soup "S".

Somebody really looks silly saying I'm still in a coma.

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