Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Facebook Comments Have Oxytocin

How can I make such a title? Easy. Watch the above video at 14 minutes. He reports a man had 150% increase in Oxytocin after using Facebook. Facebook is mostly comments. A single comment is a portion of the total.

I can then venture to say Facebook comments give Oxytocin. His study included Twitter, so Tweets do also. I'd venture to say the same goes for other social networks. G+ is much too new to have been included, but you add comments to a post.

A recent study found a single spray of Oxytocin improves brain function in children with Autism,  I'm not surprised. It's just scientific evidence of old sayings about love healing all wounds. (Oxytocin has been called the love hormone.)

Now with the knowledge that comments give the same Oxytocin as the spray, wouldn't it be easy to say that social networks improve brain function if you make comments.

What is so important about Oxytocin?

I paraphrase. Oxytocin has been linked to more restful sleep, lower blood pressure, reduced stress, less pain, improved healing, and weight loss.

This gives all the on-line support groups even more meaning. They are boosting social skills when participants comment. The person who comments, their Oxytocin blood level, it rises. The more they comment, the higher it goes. It can reach therapeutic levels.  Participation in those groups is therapeutic. It may not look like much in the beginning, but  give it a while to act. After a year,  what is said may be different than after a week.

So comment, it's good for you. 


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