Tuesday, December 5, 2017

I'm a UFO

I'm a "UFO of neuroscience." (3:20)
This is long. I got some information from it. It shows that various brain disorders, including brain injury can result in "islands of genius." Genius might not show up on an IQ test.

This slide is at 13:17.

Process after a brain injury that makes a genius.

After there is a brain injury, there is rewiring. Then there is "release of dormant capacity" that is genius.

Doesn't rewiring happen after most brain injuries? Geniuses are rare, but brain injury creating a new talent is more common...and not given any credit. Like it has been said, I smell the cookies before the package is open. That talent wouldn't be very common. It may be that my brain is very good at filling in missing information. It's adding the smell when I see the package. Maybe my nose knows. Whatever the reason, the talent is unrewarded.

Most brain injuries may be getting a talent. They are just not getting the genius targeted by Savant Syndrome.


I do not have savant syndrome. While I was in a coma, I was diagnosed to forever be in a coma or vegetative. I did have a brain injury, though, and I am a UFO, so to speak. I am an oddity.

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