Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Fine Motor

Why am I updating fine motor? I believe my right hand will be doing like my speech. I was never supposed to talk, but I do. I was never supposed to move my right hand, but I do.
In fine motor, I use an inferior pincer grasp, or thumb against the side of my index finger. Usually, we see the neat, where one is nit picky. One thing to be noted, I'm now left handed. I was right.

There was a time when my right hand did nothing. My whole right side was paralyzed. Later, I was able to move it, but my hand was fisted. I searched through old pics. I found this one. It was taken without a thought of my hand. You can clearly see my right hand is closed.

A short while ago, I did this, https://plus.google.com/114061315171466252323#114061315171466252323/posts/P8PwAzowrny At that time I was at 2 rows. I'm now at 5. If you count, there are only 5 rows. So I'm doing the whole board. With my right hand I take out the pegs and put them in a container.

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