Thursday, October 11, 2012

Breathe Deep

Smell is something that is ignored when it comes to brain injury, or worse, ridiculed. It shouldn't be. The olfactory nerve is in the brain. In the case of brain injury, spontaneous smelling means this nerve is being stimulated. That means a nerve in the brain is working. Nerves in the brain working should be encouraged. Use it or lose it.

Recently I saw something on reverse engineering. It gave me an idea: apply the concept to neuroscience. All along my way, I've experienced a heightened sense of smell. I've taken it to be there's a reason for this to occur, but let's change it so that smell is first. Smell caused a change.

What we do know:  "
The brain acquires certain skills—from visual perception to language—during critical windows, specific times in early life when the brain is actively shaped by environmental input. And "Neuroplasticity is a non-specific neuroscience term referring to the ability of the brain to change structurally and functionally as a result of input from the environment." from the search engine I'm using although it gives which is similar. So a change in the environment, huh? I can do that. Therefore, by manipulating the environment, these critical windows may be "re-opened" for learning.
Smell could be the environment. What is it?  It's perceiving odor. Well, what is "perception"? "All perception involves signals in the nervous system." It's just chemicals in the brain stimulating a specific nerve.The olfactory nerve (smell) is in the brain. It's the first cranial nerve.

We know smell is involved in learning. "There have been many studies that have shown that new cells also migrate to the olfactory bulb, a region connected with learning of smells." (Personally I was also probably developing smell, but for this intent I'm putting it first.)
The idea I have is simple enough: Manipulate the environment by changing the smell and THEN implement learning. Smell happens in the brain. Learning happens in the brain. The circuits are closely related. They have already been linked.
So let's change the environment. I'll need a smell. I'd like one that has been shown to work. It would be nice if it's fairly inexpensive and readily available. This should work:, an orange. It's readily available. If you don't have one in your kitchen, then they are at your store. They are cheap, too!
To use, simply peel. It's the peel that has the fragrance, so it's very inexpensive. It's what's discarded, the garbage.

Since I'm changing my environment, I will saturate it with the fragrance of orange. Not only the peel, but I'll add orange scented lotion, orange flavored lip balm, and orange toothpaste. These are things I already have. These are also scents that will be on my body. They'll go where I go.  If  I had fragrance (body spray), I'd wear that, too. (If you can eat orange candy, then add that.)
The easiest way to start an exercise routine if you are not in therapy: In it I give some basic information. This isn't meant to replace therapy. It just makes it easier. If not already receiving it, I urge you to get some. What's here, will hopefully  make it stick. You are in charge, not the other way around. Who changed the environment? You did. You are  directing how this plays out. You are the boss.
So breathe deep. The environment is changed.  Now some sort of therapy must be implemented.


 (If the scent of orange doesn't do anything for learning, at least it is "Sedative; relieves muscle spasms, cramping, and indigestion."


"There have been many studies that have shown that new cells also migrate to the olfactory bulb, a region connected with learning of smells." - See more at:

Updated 3/24/2016

Do this with rosemary.

If you do essential oils, then great. This can be done without. The plant is very aromatic. Potpourri can be made or just use sprigs from the plant.
"The aroma of rosemary essential oil enhances memory and the ability to remember future events, research finds."

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