Tuesday, March 8, 2011

A Developmental Profile

I've never written one on myself before. I've never written one on an adult. Since the bleed it has been like I had to start all over-like a special needs child. I've come a long way from laying in a hospital bed only able to blink my eyes.

I'll start with motor skills. Regarding gross motor, I do not walk. I get around with a power wheel chair. I have a much lighter travel chair for outings. I can sit unsupported. I am able to push to a stand, and if assisted, can stand for longer periods of time. In fine motor, I use an inferior pincer grasp, or thumb against the side of my index finger. Usually, we see the neat, where one is nit picky. One thing to be noted, I'm now left handed. I was right.

Communication-I talk. This is unusual. For a long time I didn't. Then I started making sounds, which prompted a camera being stuck down my nose to look at my vocal cords. It was determined normal and left at that. So over the years I have taught myself to talk and speech therapy has been spotty. Receptively and expressively it's all in English. There is still some work to do on pitch and volume, and a few letter sounds (like "D"), but I am understood.

Self-help has some. I dress myself every morning except tying my shoes. I brush my teeth (I hated those toothette things in the hospital). When it comes to eating, I have a G-tube. I get all my nutrition, 7 cans of Ensure. I do take some food by mouth, "pleasure eating". I drink 1 more can of Ensure and eat a cookie. Being able to take food by mouth has been a process. It was thought I may never.
Social hasn't been much of an issue. Can't move-can't be a behavior problem. Actually, can't move doesn't have any behavior. Due to motor difficulties it is important to keep social up.  When I started moving my head I was put on anti-depressants. I think doctors knew what I was doing. I could only move my head and knew I had a blood vessel in my head that could explode. I shook my head.

I'm saving the best for last-cognitive. Usually I have it first, but this is very unusual. You see, I wrote this. I should be mental mush in some nursing home somewhere. I'm not, though. Obviously, I have mental capacity higher than the 5th grade. (I think that's all you need.) I'd say all my cognitive skills are in tact from prior, plus more from the last few years. My cognitive scores have always been above average. I've qualified for testing with MENSA, but haven't. I really don't agree, but it was pointed out to me that would be an incredible feat for someone of my caliber. So I keep the option open.

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