Wednesday, June 17, 2020

I'm brain dead, dead, in respiratory failure, or I am semi-vegetative.

I'm brain dead, dead, in respiratory failure, or I am semi-vegetative. It's all the same to me. "Vegetative" is a coma, even if the eyes are open. See why I was called this? "Semi-vegetative" isn't even a proper term. It's made up. 

If I stopped breathing while I was asleep, and then started breathing again when awake, shouldn't I have been tested for sleep apnea? Isn't that what on-going 'Acute Respiratory Failure' is? It was made my diagnosis because it kept happening. I was never tested, though. I've since taught myself to sleep on my side, and I hope that I wake if there is a problem. Hopefully brain-growth has happened and I am now passed it.

The state may finally realize that I am not brain dead in a coma, but the federal government does not.

Someone from a state contracted nursing agency visited. They saw I am not dead or in a coma. This is the state's program. What is seen is reported.

Let the state take it up with the federal government. (Citizens have to voice concern to their politician.)

I'm not doing anything. People have to do it.

Just because I am conscious does not mean that I am a functional person in society. I have deficits. I don't get up and go. Stop with the "you need to do this" comments.

What I accomplish now is through motivational writing- one letter at a time with one finger. What I get done comes from good communication skill, not magic.

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