Friday, February 8, 2019

Sucking Lollipops for Neurogenesis

 I'm bombarding my brain again. "the brain is constantly bombarded with natural information, but in a way that the brain has to deal with it. " At that time, I did not know about neurogenesis. I also use this concept in

This seems to be a natural thing with me, I present  the same information over and over. Going back in my work history, this was "infant stim" or developmental stimulation.

My guess at what is going on is that the brain is producing neurons that react to the stimulus that is presented. I'm saying that neurogenesis happens. It is the body's response to incoming, unfiltered information.

Neurogenesis makes the body's "filter."

 Present the stimulus over and over.

"My idea has been simple. I just put a lollipop in my mouth. This changes the environment to include taste. All those taste receptors come alive."

The brain has to make sense of the information coming in. Taste receptors in my mouth were still there. My stroke didn't affect them. They were sending information to my brain. The stroke affected my brain. My brain had to develop a way to deal with the information.

Compared to the last video, I am 
speaking better.

The old blueprints of previous neurons were there. My brain produced new neurons to handle taste by using old instructions. It is now through growth that I am hoping for a detectable swallow, or... lollipops stimulated neurogenesis.

By putting those two lollipop videos together I can compare. Oh my! You can hear a big difference.The first video is 3/12/2017 and the second is 8/9/2018. I have not had any speech therapy.

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