Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Are You Right or Left Handed?

Are you right or left handed? -PC
Thank you for asking. Others have asked as well. 

For 32 years I was right handed. I had the stroke in 2002 and was no handed after. It was a couple of years before I started using my left hand to push buttons on a laptop computer. From 2002-2004, I rehabbed this left paralyzed hand that I am typing with now. I am using my index (pointer) finger. 

I hated the idea of only using my left hand. I had become dependent on my right. The left was better than nothing and that is what I was.

This gets people,

The video is 2015, 13 years after my stroke. I'm using my right hand. I'm doing sign language, too.

I am still primarily left-handed, but I now use my right thumb to click on a mouse. This is written in January 2019.

I bought a track-ball mouse. They are fairly inexpensive. This type of mouse remains still while its track-ball is moved in order to move the cursor on the computer screen. This allows me to click and not have my computer cursor go all over the screen.

It's looking like I am both handed, now, or ambidextrous. I primarily use my left hand. I'll use it for typing and such. I will use my right for minor tasks, like holding Kleenex and turning off the light. I'd say the left is dominant, but 15 years from now that may not be the case. 

I don't mind much anymore which hand I use to get something done. It just needs to get done.

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