Sunday, June 7, 2015

1000 Problems

The number 1000 bothered me.  'We will be able to live to 1,000'

It sounds like do one thing, and be able to live to a thousand. I looked more into it. Mostly because that one thing may have already happened to me. The other is people in general should know what to expect.

Doing one thing is not what Aubrey de Grey is saying exactly. He's proposing that one person have several treatments of one type. Each treatment resets a person's clock. So the person having treatment goes 80 years, has a treatment, resets his/her clock, goes another 80 years, and resets their clock again. They do this until they reach a thousand. Technically, a person could go on forever.

Neurogenesis would have repaired damage in my brain. I am also seeing it elsewhere.

However, there is a possibility that a person will not need several treatments. "When a stem cell divides, each new cell has the potential either to remain a stem cell or become another type of cell with a more specialized function."

In many people, it will be the specialized cells to develop. For longevity a new treatment will have to be done because the stem cell division is done. However, there exists the possibility new stem cells were created. This makes a new treatment unnecessary. This type of data does not exist. I can only say there is a possibility.


The one thing that may have occurred with me is a release of my own adult stem cells which triggered neurogenesis. It may not have only fixed my immediate problem, but also thrown me into this longevity issue.

Enough information does not exist yet to determine any outcome.

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